Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer Reading List!

I absolutely love to read and always have! I love the feeling of curling up with a good book and a cup of hot chocolate on a dreary day or sitting at the beach in the comfort the warm sun while reading chapter after chapter. I love getting lost in a story and connecting with the characters so much that you don't want their story to end.

Now that Christopher's nap/sleep schedule is pretty regular, which = more time for Mommy, I am getting reacquainted with this love.

Remember back in elementary school when we used to get reading lists? Some were given out for summer so that we would give our brains a "workout," some were given out to earn rewards in the classroom, some were done to see which class could read the most minutes and my favorite ones... the ones that earned you a free small pan pizza at Pizza Hut once you read a certain number of books! Nothing better than knowing all that reading will get you a mini pizza all for yourself :)

I have some books that have been sitting on my shelf for the past year or two as I've been busy teaching and then having a baby and even had a list of "would like to read... someday!" I thought this summer would be a perfect time to catch up on some reading so I made myself a summer reading list to stay motivated :) I know, I'm a nerd like that!

And if I get done with those...


I know my list may look a bit ambitious but I have already read the Hunger Games trilogy, Crazy Love and Baby Proof by Emily Giffin.

Anyone else have any suggestions, or any reviews on the books above? For right now I'm just taking it book by book, whichever I feel like reading next, or is available at the library :)


  1. I've also been thinking about my summer reading plans! I just finished all the Francis Chan books that I downloaded on Good Friday this week. They all inspired me to pray after each chapter!

    David and I also did the Love and Respect DVD series when we were engaged. We still reference some of the quotes from it. Definitely a keeper. Another great marriage book was "The Meaning of Marriage" by Tim Keller. I've been wanting to read the John Piper book too though! Thanks for sharing your list : )

  2. I've had Crazy Love for a few years but just remembered the other day that we downloaded all of them on the I-Pad... I definitely do better with a concrete book though I think that's why I've been avoiding reading them :)I absolutely love Francis Chan though and have seen him speak numerous times at our youth conferences growing up so I know they'll be amazing, he definitely has the gift of speaking/writing!

    Even though "Love and Respect" was apparently huge a few years ago I had never heard of it until a few weeks ago so we borrowed the book and DVD's from our church... I'm expecting that series to take us all summer just due to the time it requires.

    We discussed "The Meaning of Marriage" in marriage counseling but I never read the book, will have to do that one in the fall if I have time! Thanks for the reminder :)
