Sunday, December 23, 2012

{25 Days of Christmas: Day 10}

Today's book was Llama Llama Holiday Drama by Anna Dewdney.

I got this book when it first came out because I loved the Llama Llama series, and so did my preschool class. Christopher loves reading the Lllama Llama board books that just came out but isn't into the older versions yet. I still thought I would give it a shot but he didn't recognize it as his precious "Llama Llama" yet, maybe next year :)

Our project for the day was Christmas action/movement cards created by Alison at Oopsey Daisy. You can download these adorable cards right from her page and then print them out! I laminated ours as little man is still into destroying things at random. He at least tried to do all of them but his favorites were chuckling like Santa (and if you've ever heard his chuckle you'll understand why) and twirling like a snowflake since for some reason he loves to spin in circles ridiculously fast and never seems to tire of it.

I'm sure we will use these for years to come and even in these next few winter months as we are trapped inside!

In case you are just joining us, here is the post with all the Christmas books.

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